Monday, 24 October 2011

10 Things they don't tell you about having Twins

When I was pregnant with the twins I found it really hard to get information about having twins. Not just the birthing process, there was plenty of info on that but on tips about how to get by day-to-day with twins and another toddler running around. So here you go - these are my top 10 tips on what to expect  with new-born twins.

1. Nothing will prepare you for the moment that you hold both babies in your arms for the first time. Seeing those 2 sets of eyes staring at you for the first time will floor you. You wont know where to look, who to look at first. They will both be looking at you and you can literally feel the love pouring out of you for two babies at once.

2. Telling them apart will be difficult. Even with fraternal twins, they can look so damn similar! The only way I knew who was who in the first month was by keeping the foot tag on one baby and checking constantly. There was many a time that we put the wrong baby in the wrong cot!

3. Breastfeeding will be hard. I breastfed my first daughter till she was over 13 months old. It was hard to establish of course but once we did it was fantastic. It was easy. I took that same attitude along with me when I was pregnant with the twins and knew that I could do it again with them. I started feeding them tandemly straight away and one baby could do it and suck easily but the other needed help. Once you help one baby the other comes off. You need to reattach both and then of course they need to burp, each at different times.  I always needed someone to help as I needed another pair of hands. The whole process took a long time and I had to top them up with a bottle each and every time as I didn't have enough milk for both. I still kept at it for  2 months. Then I got an infection and the migraines started from being so dehydrated. It killed me to stop  but I had to admit that I couldn't carry on. I felt like a failure and I STILL feel guilty about it. But I want to stress that I have friends with twins who are still breastfeeding them both happily so you can do it. The point is to try.

4. Being 38 weeks pregnant with twins in the middle of summer without air conditioning is torture. I had to lie on my side (as you cannot lie on your back) under the fan and suck ice cubes. You had to swap sides as you can feel them moving all the time and it is very uncomfortable. You also cant believe just how far your stomach can stretch. Which leads me to my next point:

5. Your stomach will never be the same again. For those of us who cant afford a tummy tuck after birth the sad reality is that your skin has been stretched soooo far (especially if you went full term like I did) and it will not return to how it used to. My personal trainer at the gym even admitted that all the sit ups in the world wont return it to its former glory. Her advice was to work out and sweat, work out and sweat and gradually over time it will improve. Until then I have to live with looking like I am still  4-5 months pregnant. Nice.

6. The exersaucer will be your best friend. Every twin mum needs at least one of these little beauties. Or should I say big beauties as they are quite bulky. They are a godsend from 6 months onwards as you can sit them in there and they are safe and love to play with it. I bought one on ebay for $50 but you can also get them brand new for $200.

7. Twins are definately twice the fun but you WILL get half the sleep. On a good night I get up twice (at 11pm, 3am and then they wake at 6.30am for the day). On a bad night they will wake up twice each, so I am up at least 4 times a night. They have NEVER both slept through the night. The truth is they are in the same room and the do wake each other up. Its a fact. It can also be hard to settle them as one will almost be asleep and then the other will cry. It feels like you are trapped in a viscious circle of settling and re-settling sometimes. Thankfully my 3 year old is an excellent sleeper who goes to bed at 8pm and I don't see her till 7am.

8. When you go out with twins you feel like a celebrity. You will get stopped constantly. Elderly  men are the worst! My dad proposed that I make a sign to attach to the stroller:
Of course I didnt do it. Sometimes it is nice being stopped by strangers to show them off :)

9. As a twin mum with other children you will become the multi-tasker of the year. I can feed the babies bottles at the same time, as well as play with my 3 year old and read a magazine all at once. I have 3 hooks in the laundry with 3 packed bags ready to go at all times. I do 3-4 loads of washing a day and the number one rule is to clean as you go otherwise your house will be messy in no time.

10. The twins will be such a fabulous addition to your family that you will count your blessings every single day at how lucky you are to have been chosen for this amazing role. The relationship they will have with each other and their other siblings is so special. Children are such a blessing and to have two at once is amazing. I have started to see them less as twins and more like I have 3 children but two of them just happen to be the same age.

11. I had to edit this to create another point. You will forever be in debt to your mum/mother-in-law/ relatives for all the help they can provide. I am lucky in the fact that I have a wonderful mum and parents in law who help me so very much and give me a much needed break. It is also fantastic to see the girls grow up and the special relationship they have with their grandparents.

xx Hayley


  1. Great post- so true about the stomach!! I also had trouble telling my frat twins apart when I got the home. I still look back at photos and think which baby girl is that??

  2. stayday - hi there, your twins are beautiful! It is lovely having baby girls isnt it. I still mix them up sometimes!
