Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Root Canal - the cost of a small car

Hello, I have just gotten back home from my fourth round of root canal. I feel like I have been punched in the jaw, not to mention the back pocket. Why oh why is root canal so expensive? But wait -  lets also talk about the pain factor. I honestly think the pain is worse than having a Cesarean.

Back in June this year my tooth was really hurting. I had a previous filling a few years ago on the same tooth and after the twins were born it really starting to ache. It got to the point where I couldn't eat or even talk, so I made an appointment for the next available time 7 days later. For the next 7 days I lived on a diet of Nurofen and Panadol. I am sure my liver wasn't very thankful but I had no choice. Then my appointment came and it was awful. They had to drill in and I was in agony, but once they killed the nerve then it was just plain uncomfortable. I went back for 4 more sessions over the course of 5 months and now I am $2780 out of pocket. Nope, nothing covered on private health insurance, Nada. Why on earth do we have it!!!!!

I have now rearranged our private health insurance to be covered for major dental so after the 12 month waiting period I can go back and get a crown on the tooth. It is $1950 for a crown and you get back $600. How generous.

One of my school friends told me a story about how her dentist was a really good looking guy, only slightly older than herself. While he was working on her tooth she accidentally licked his finger! Awkward.

My dentist is a girl younger than me. She is very good, but you think for that price I could get a good looking guy too.

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