Friday, 30 December 2011

2011 in a nutshell

The year 2011 was a year filled with challenges. The most difficult year my little family has ever had. We knew it would be hard. Having 3 children under 4 would keep us on our toes. Having newborn twins would make sure we were going to have lack of sleep, lack of time to ourselves, lack of time for our marriage. Its very dramatic but we said to each other at the beginning of the year that if we can stay married and not get divorced for the next 12 months then we will be ok.

I wont lie -  it was tough. We had times that we were so physically and mentally exhausted that we took it out on each other, even though we hardly ever argue.  The twins were sick a lot. They were hospitalised at 3 months with bronchialitis. They got Scarlett Fever at 7 months. They both currently have Tonsilitis and Harper spent all day Christmas Day and boxing day crying the poor little thing. We all had challenges. Charli had to adapt to having 2 sisters to share everything with. Raj had to work hard at a demanding job and come home to a tired me that needed help. I had to make sure everything at home kept running like clockwork. Money was tight with me not working and mortgage rates sky high.

But guess what - we made it and we got two new members of the family to boot! We met Harper & Sophie and fell in love. We laugh and have fun and still cant believe we were lucky enough to have twins. I count my blessings every single day that I have a wonderful, healthy family with 3 beautiful girls and an amazing husband who I love more than ever. I have very supportive parents and parents in law. I have a great brother and brother in law. I have great friends. I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!

Some personal highlights:
Charli -
I have watched Charli grow from a toddler to a little girl and one that I am so awfully proud of. She is thoughtful, funny and oh so smart. I watched her learn ballet and do her first ballet concert.  I watched her learn to write her name, to read certain words, to count to 30. She does great magic tricks. She has great dress sense. She loves helping me shop. I just love hanging out with her. She calls me her best friend :)

Hubby -
I watched Raj battle through sleepless nights. Watched him work so hard in his demanding job and still have time for me and the girls.I watched him fall in love with 2 new little ladies and see how happy his 3 girls make him. I watched him compose some kick arse music, devise a plan for his band, train his heart out in running and do his best time yet.  I cant believe that I could love him even more than I did, but this year its more than ever.

Sophie & Harps
They were born so healthy and have gone from strength to strength. STill not sleeping through the night  but such good little girls who love to laugh. Harp crawls at lightening speed and follows me around the house like a puppy. Soph is alert and wants to see what is going on at all times. They both have 2 teeth each and both crawling. Both say mum and dad and know their own names. They love their big sister and are just so fun to be around. They are already good friends even at 9 months. I couldn't imagine life without them.

What will 2012 bring us?

More challenges but also more fabulous times I hope. I am going back to work in 4 weeks and the twins will start daycare one day a week. I am nervous and scared and sad but I am sure they will be ok.
Charli has her big number 4 birthday shortly. We have been planning it for months! She also starts at her new daycare shortly (the same one as the twins) so it means she will need to make new friends. That is also terrifying but I know she will be ok. She also starts swimming lessons in a few weeks and will keep up with her ballet lessons. Raj will have new tasks with his job and maybe some more travel. I will have work and time away from the children for the first time in a year. I want to organise the christening of the girls. I want to do well at work. I want to decide on a primary and high school for the girls. I want to save money. I still want my fitness to be on the top of the list and want to keep up my classes each week. For Raj and I to have time to ourselves. Maybe even a date night or two :) Potentially a holiday...?

Happy New Year All  x x

PS We are going to win lotto tomorrow night - all 31 million. We have a syndicate going with the family. Just doing you all a favour so you don't waste your money buying a ticket x

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